Our Farm: The Ballard Family
The Ballard's:
Bill, Charlotte, David, & Brian
Located on 40 acres at Asher, Oklahoma, we strive to raise excellent quality Dexter Cattle, Rhode Island Red Bantams, and Call Ducks. Standing at stud, dual registered (ASDR/AKC) Miniature Australian Shepherd/Miniature American Shepherd, B Arlo Shane.
We still own and show a few POA's but have transitioned away from breeding. Our current equine interest is driving and we are learning to compete in Combined Driving Events (CDE) and driving trials.
Although we no longer own him, Lookin For Macs Gold is our stallion that we have bred and raised. He is the 2004 International Champion Large Stallion and Reserve Senior International Champion Stallion. We are very proud of Mac and his foals. Watch for his daughters, B Lookin Super Spot Me showing in medium mares in 2023 (9th at National Congress 2023) and B Lookin Super Fancy showing in Adult and Youth Pleasure Driving (7x Congress Champion as of July 2023)